Sunday, February 14, 2010

The V-Day.

Valentine wasn't so bad for me this year. Yea, yea. It changed from 'in a relationship' term last year to 'it's complicated' term of relationship this year. To some people, it might look sad but to me, it's just another chapter of life that i want to get over with. Another fresh start i hope. And you guys know exactly what i mean by that. After all, seeing somebody but you know that you dont want to be tied to a so-call-relationship yet is soooooooo typical.

My 'Valentine' (notice the inverted comas) this year is non other than my guy bestfriend. Woozie.
It turned out that the spark of his life got work on V Day, and as we suppose to meet the next day, the day that he's going back to kampung with his family, so we hang out on that day instead. After i come back from kampung. It's been awhile since we got to spend time with each other and i got to say i do miss him a lot.

The fact is it is always easy to be around him, i dont really have to behave like a true girl. I can just be disgusting and not ashamed of it. But still, no matter how, i know he sayang me.
That day, we just watched a movie, and acted as we're a couple, taking the couple seat. Then we just walked around, get coffees and catched up on life. There's once he said that
"You do know that people like us always started as best friends first then they ended up liking each other at the end and got together?"
I could only just laughed. I just replied that it is quite imposibble for things like that to happen between us. But let's just follow the flow and be best friends for now.
Come on. He's in love with one of my girlfriends. We even tried to find a gift for her but too bad, most of the shops were closed on account of Chinese New Year. Hey, it's the thought that counts, righhtt? Don't worry Wooz, you make an effort. Debs think it is hilariously sweet, isn't she?

I sayang you, Woozie. Knowing you for almost 8 years has been really great. You're one awesome friend. You might just not realize that.

Well, well, well.
Happy Valentine's Day to all.