I dunno why, but i suddently miss them. MY SPORT BUDDIES, i mean. Maybe its the fact that we don't see each other that often especially the far ones.. When we meet, it's like few weeks staying together in a hostel & centralised training. That's the time when i 'm totally put my mind out about school. We against each other in tournaments then we team up at the nationals. I'm proud of having a lot of friends. That's one of the advantages that i get by joining sports. When i first get myself into this, i never thought that i will this good & meet great athletes every year. But i have to admit, it really took your time & determination to be really good in this. For me, its worth every time & energy i spent. Well, that's just me.Qilzcha Malan & NorSyaridah. Also known as Chang & Momoy. Love them the most. We know each other when we met in the finals at MSSS 2004 at B'fort. Since then, we meet every year during the state & national levels. Although we're very far from each other, but we tend to keep in touch & become really, really close. Just one thing i have against them. Well, they're from the S'kan team & i'm from the KK team. So, we kinda like against each other every time during the finals in the state level. :) This picture was taken last year. We grow up together in this netball game & I can say that they're really one of my bestest mates.
Another picture of us, but this time we had this another gang. She's MeL from K'ngau. Just joined the Sabah team this year for MSSM & probably the last time too since she's a year older than us. Yeah its this year, 2008 at Putrajaya.
So here's my handball buddies. Soong & Sonia. This was last year during the Handball MSSM. Met them & started to be chosen for this game when i was 14, Form 2 & i've been joining handball ever since.
This was during the Handball MSSS ( state level) at B'fort this year. Yeahye, KK WON GOLD AGAIN. Here's Nina from Kota Marudu, Mira from Tawau & Porgee, my owh-so-call 'lil sis, also from KK but just from the under 15 girls team. * U15 Kk Girls got silver this year*. They're been my friends since the Handball MSSM ( Nationals) last year except Porgee thou. Haha lama already i know her.
P.s MUM & ERIC coming back tomorrow. Owh yeah. Yeah yeah..
eeee ann itam sana. :P
but pweettyyy~
ANNNN!that's mel riteeee?the mel during iscep concert last year?:D
btw,kita punya mummy ada facebook!
sasat owh u ol, ppl..really, really sasat..
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