Tuesday, January 6, 2009


worried. anxious. tense.
Everything is mixing up in me now.
I'm thinking,
Are the school insane??????
Or maybe not the school, maybe the education minister are crazy..
Torturing students like that..
Just think about it..
Everything is packed even on the first week..
Cross country. Then Excel Test. Then sports. Then test again.
Really baaaaaaa......
Now it all come back to square one. The thing that i hope would not happen.
Clashing of my sports dates.
History repeated again.
Somehow i'm sure Papa Jahat gonna kill me.........
How am i gonna face him???
I don't want him to call my coach again....................
After all the hard work we've done during the holidays..
NO. Nooooooooooooo way.......
Am i just gonna let it go like that?? But...................
I. JUST. HAVE. TO.............
I have no choice but to be rasional & sacrifice one of it.
After all, this is my FINAL YEAR & netball is the first game i've started to be discovered
& it's how i slowly, from time to time, go for nationals.
Yeahh, the inter school netball ( MSSG KK) next week..
& Maktab's the host...
Gosh, it right after the School Cross Country & there's no way i'm going for the Mini Sports Day..
If the team can get to the semi's which i hope & AIM we will since it have to be all out this year..
It's just not fair..
On the other hand, i really think that God's trying to help me..........
Because of SPM and all....
What's more, my routine will be pretty exhausting in the coming days........
I clueless.. I don't know what step to take next......
I'm not having my peace now & somehow....................
I don't know how to express this 'cause frankly, it shown all over my face...
Do they understand although they say they are??
I don't know...................
It's hard for me to tell the people in my house 'cause they too have their own problems to be solved...
I guess that how's situation are........
Now i have to find the guts to meet ****....
Wish me luck & hope anyone else have a pretty good week 'cause i don't see mine will....