Monday, January 25, 2010

The BLACK & WHITE RAINBOW Theathre is going on.

The first week of the theathre is done and there are 3 more shows to go.
It was going on really good. To know that we're finally start on the shows after two months of busy preparation, it was really a good feeling. We worked really hard for this.
Going to schools, sleepless night, energy and time, not forgeting no time for socialising stuff, you seriously have no idea. Then, when you think about the positive side on it, to get to spent time and hang around, it worth the hard work and tiredness.

Budak-budak baru habis SPM.

Most of my peeps will be coming for the upcoming shows. It would be nice to meet most of them again. It is seriously hard to keep in touch. Even with facebook or handphones. After this theathre, i will take time to chill and relax with friends. Also focus on driving lessons. And mayb, JUST MAYBE find a job. I'm trying not to rely much on my parents. Just hope whatever i'm planning to do going well laa.