Monday, September 29, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
3rd day of exam & still , i'm relaxed.. althou i can say Maths on the 2nd day was quite hard but at least i'm not totally clueless about it.. Wait, till i get on Thursday, when it's ADD MATHS & PHYSICS, & there you can see me cracking my brain.. Anyway, as i checked my blog today, i would really like to tell people, i think, I'M OVER IT! THE INSTALLATION NIGHT, i mean.. I think la.. As i go through the days after installation, friends asking me if i'm ok.. FYI, I'm ok.. Thanks dEB, sURya & Qay for telling me i was great.. I try to bear that in mind.. I love you people!! haha!!Anyway, i just can't wait for exam for this week to over.. Yeah, yeah i admit.. I HATE EXAM but who doesn't? Hmm but only one more day thou & i'll be done with it.. Gosh, i'm going Korea next week already.. Not sure if i'm thrilled thou.. Hmm.. Maybe because after all the things that happened in ISCEP, all the changes, maybe thats why i kinda thru with it.. I'm sure things gonna be ok once we get there.. Hmmm i think thats quite it.. As i ponder back, time had really fly fast without i realising it.. it's almost the end of the year already.. One more blink, its 2009!! Gosh, SPM... Seeing the form 5 stressing about it, i guessed it's going to be my turn next.. What's better, its also my final year.. I really hope it'll be my best year since you know, its just one more year before i totally leave high school life.. hU HU HU.. ok, that's it.. i want chocolate now.. Inspiration to study for Physics.. xxx, A.
Posted by Ann Manson at Tuesday, September 23, 2008 0 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
Busy, busy, Day...
Alas, the day of 20th Sept 2008 is over.. Damn, seriously.. This was one of my challenging day, man.. Anyway, as i 've told, its the day of our ever 1st full rehearsel of ISCEP. We really occupied the time we had with the dance practices. But this time, we actually have to wear the traditional clothes. This was my 1st time wearing sumazau clothes. & I can say this was totally different compared to sports. I'm not sure if i actually looked good in those since i don't feel good. I felt tripping everytime i moved with the attire. But i just have to get used with it..
So here is the KDCA ISCEP of 2008..
After our sumazau dance.. Rechel & me was so tired but, we manage to ss for a while..
Then as we ended our practice, & i headed to mum's car, Ralph said " Ann, i tired owh. I lazy wanna go tonite but i will come la.. Later waste only the ticket. See you tonite! " I was thinking. "Damn, the installation nite is TONIGHT. Gosh! I tired owh. & i only have like 2 hours to dress up.. Aaarggh.." Then as i arrived home, i checked my bag to look for my phone. IT'S NOT THERE! I was panicked, then i calmed myself down. I must have forgotten it at KDCA. I called Ralph straight away & he said " Don't worry, your phone's with me.." Wooissshhh.. relieved that i didn't lost it. Then i dressed up quickly & mum helped me.. She make me looked good.. We actully argued before that & fortunately, dad convinced me to get prepared & get going.. So, then, moments later, i found myself at Magellan, Sutera Harbour. Everyone really looked good.. Its not like everyday we can see people dressed up for function like this..
Accept Becks thou.. She did not wear dress like she said.. But nevermind la. At least i get to teased you during the nite thou when i emceeing.. Lols.. :)
See this pic.. I know, not clear, right.. If i'm not mistaken, Raul took this pic.. Nevermind la.. Anyway, its da La Sallians & me.. Qay, Or, Ralph & Adriance.. You guys looked amazingly good.. Me & Mo, my dearest girlfriend. Congrats thous for being one of the BODs.. We didn't to get the girlfriends pic where all of us in it but nevermind.. But at least i get to take pic with Mo..
Anyway, i really wanted to say that the night goes smoothly but i' not sure it is.. I think i kinda screwed up.. Owh ya, did i mention about me & Chris being mc for the night? Yeah i did.. Well, everyone keep telling me
O : " You were awesome, ba Ann.. Don't stressed."
M: " Hey girlfren, u did good. Only the night wasn't that organised."
B : "People do mistakes. You only did a minor one. Don't think about it, you were ok. At least it's over"
& some more other people. Thanks guys for making me feel better.. What Matthew said surprised me thou.. I never thought he would compliment that way since i think i really suck that night.. Congrats thou Matthew for getting the award of " The Most Outgoing Personality"
You deserved it really.. Actually everything was chaos that night.. I really was mad with some people, some were the performers thou.. You think it's easy to be the host of the night & it's not my fault it's not organised since the BOD's don't really tell me about the changes they made.. but i'm over it.. & the part when the my slideshow that i did for the seniors, gosh that damn projector.. Luckily seniors like it.. Even Mariana make me feel better about the whole thing.. But overall, the night was ok.. We hang out after it ends where everyone was just laughing & having fun.. Thanks Or for showing up.. When most of us left already, Jude showed up. Even he tried to make me feel better about it.. " You better rest, you really looked sick. Don't come early for practice tomorrow," he said. Then i think, WTH?! We got ISCEP practice again tomorrow.. & it starts morning.. Die, die, die.. He & Raul hugged me before they leaved.. Then, me Michelle & oR head home.. Thanks again Or for helping me carry my laptop.. I owe you a lot.. Anyway as i reach home at midnight, i dozzed off.. I felt really sick the next day but i managed to go for ISCEP practice althou i'm late.. Now, i have to think about the FINAL EXAM for four days.. God bless me.. xoxo, A.
Posted by Ann Manson at Monday, September 22, 2008 0 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
Its just too much..
Exhausted, annoyed, worriness.. thats what i feel now.. Tomorrow's Installation Nite.. Tomorrow is our 1st ISCEP rehearsel of everything planned for Korea trip. & Monday, FINAL EXAM!! Damn.. How am i suppose i divide my time between all that & study? I have no idea.. Something in me said i should divide myself to three so, i can just go the Interact Install Nite, ISCEP practice & study.. But nonsense, i know.. Like i can do that.. If only have super natural power to do split personalities like that woman in Heroes.. For once, its not about sports.. Which i'm not sure if its something good or not..Suddenly, I miss sport .. i dunno why.. I'm just weird.. I just feel like crapping a lot right now..
Being at home doesn't help a lot too.. I actually tried hard to be a good sister & adviced my bro to study since PMR is like next month. & yeah all i get is nothing. Been ignored just like that & i'm like talking to the wall.. and i even get scolded from my mum for being what.. a good sister? Something wrong with the world.. My world, i guess.. here's something i think about few minutes ago.
1) Have super natural power like that woman in Heroes. Split my personality. But in my case, i want to split it so i can go to different places at the same time.
2) Eat like Michael Phelps & still have a hot body.
* Yeah, right. Like that going to happen.*
3) Have a remote to stop or rewind the time so that i can just breath & strangle my brother without he knowing it. Yeah its like the CLICK movie. But of course, i do not want any death angel making me waste my precious time & died in just a moment of time.
4) Or when i think about it, why just i be like those sisters in Charmed? I wanna be the one who can stop time & freeze people. But, i don't have any sister or good compatriot to hold on. I only have one annoying brother. Damn..
5) Or maybe i can just don't study & go to school like usual.. During exam, i can just sleep & do whatever. * Like i dare to do that*
6) Pretend to be sick & skip everthing.
* i would be really a troublemaker if i do that & everyone would hate me. Wait, do i even care?*
But i know i can't run from it.. Whatever it is, i just have to face it & its up to me to make my day a fun one or not.. I live today to live the hope for tomorrow.. Yeah right crap again.. Well have to study.. its not like i have to courage to skip everything. After all, why would i care this much. I will not have also placing in class... hahahaha yeaaahhh.. naaaahh i crazy already.. study, study, study.. Owh ya, btw, for those who are coming for our Interact Installation Nite, i knw most people know Christine & myself is the mc for our Installation Nite. If i really suck tomorrow nite, just don't tell me k.. I'm really trying my best to sound good & not dumb.. Hopefully i don't think of any stupid jokes.. Or maybe you should tell me.. Whatever la.. A.
Posted by Ann Manson at Friday, September 19, 2008 0 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Busy week!!!
Lalalala, its been really, really long since i update my blog.. Been busy lately with stuff.. But the main reason why i can't really update it, my laptop suddenly stop working for several days.. Then i found out, it have to be reformat 'cause the system damaged already... aaaarggghhh!!! DAMN LAPTOP!! Guess what, I LOST ALL MY PICS & DOCUMENT.. Every single thing of it.. I feel like crying.. Almost but i hold myself.. Seriously, all the memories i have for my high school life, GONE, just like that.. School, sports, family pics.. Talking about it makes me just wanna crash dat damn laptop of mine.. But lets just forget about it.. After all, i have other more important things to worry about other than this..Huhu :(
Anyway, life goes as usual.. Exam is coming real soon, uuuh :( & installation nite too!! :) But for once, i can wait that.. The installation nite, i mean.. I have a lot of things to do that nite that i have to prepare from now.. & of all the days the ISCEP wanna do full rehearsal of performance practice, its that day ba.. This Saturday.. & my plans to get home early also ruined just like that.. Why you asked?? We only can go back at 4 pm every time.. Told Ralph about it & he's like " How long also you take time to prepare yourself?? I also go ba but i don't need a long time to get ready & get to Sutera.." Excuse me, you & i are different..
1) You a guy & i'm a girl. * n u asked me what difference does it makes?*
2) Girls need more time to dressed up for a function compared to guys since girls have to do hair, makeup & stuff.. You guys only, what, need to gel up your hair, wear nice clothes & you're done.. See?!
3) I am SFC Interactor & i have a job to do that night.. have to get there early..
*Sigh.. Well, thinking about it make me a little bit tense up.. & i'm not even BOD.. If only you guys can see, my dearest friend, M, who is the upcoming President, she was so stressed up.. Well, she have to.. She have to make everything's go perfectly smooth that night.. Relax, chelle & take a deep breath.. Ok, i know, that doesn't help much but at least, i really hope you can calm a little.. You go, girl.. Btw, all my girlfriend's dress is gorgeous.. I can't wait to see them wearing it.. Except for A thou.. Her dad don't let her go because of the exam.. For goodness sake la, she's a BOD.. She have to go.. Really hope she can make her dad change her mind..
After installation, everyone knows, its FINAL EXAM!! Crazy owh.. I'm still fussing why i should take the damn exam.. I will not have position ba.But just to make sure that i not blur doing some at the papers, i do study ok.. It's not like i have a choice, right? *sigh again* I have to prepare stuff again for ISCEP.. So many things to do, so little time.. Basically, remember the part i said that i'm trying my best not to hesitate, i'm still trying to work on that.. It's not an easy task to do althou it seems easy.. What i really need now is patience... Whatever la, really.. I have tons of things to think about & do.. So thats for now & i really need my sleep now.. A..
Posted by Ann Manson at Monday, September 15, 2008 0 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
The 'Make Passport' Day :)
Hmm, i have a good day today.. Except the part i been scold by my mum again, everything was good today.. Really.. Ok, i know, I didn't know go to school today.. But its not like i purposely skip or anything like that.. Its just that my ISCEP friends was like begging me to go mini PJ to help them with their passport.. Colyn say something like " Pergilah, ann.. Besok saja tidak pergi school.. Nanti kami bingung.." Yeah, right, like la i'm the one who's working there kan.. Although my mum work there, but she didn't not work at that passport department.. Luckily, she got connection there, so she can like ask favour to help my friends to make their passport & get it fast.. So before i get there, my dad bring me to have breakfast at the town & on the way to mini PJ, he's like " Try to be more considerate & don't be too stuborn.. Stop argue with my mum & bla bla bla... " You know how it goes.. He's like lecturing me so that i can try to be a good daughter.. FYI, i'm really trying ba dad, but its like really damn hard ba.. I just can hold myself from defending myself for justice.. Hah.. Anyway, when i get there, 6 of them show up, not at the same time.. I & mum was helping them with the process of making the passport * mum do most of it la, duh.* But i have to say, only at that time, she was awesome.. She really helping them to get passports done quickly without really waiting that long.. She mingle around with the other parents * speaking in Kadazan again dat". Then suddenly, Jude came & said " Hi, cousin".. It turns out that we are related in somewhere.. Dunno how.. Ralph's conclusion is '' Every Kadazan was related." I shouldn't be surprised too.. its always like that.. This Ralph & Jude also sot.. They can say again dat.
J: Not to say la, your mum hot owh.
R: You should proud owh, your mum really hot dis..
Ish, i kinda used to it already dis.. They joke around again with my mum.. Funny dis.. I find Jude's & Ralph's dad also very, very sporting this.. :)
Anyway, after that, Jude, Una & me follow Ralph & his dad to KK to make our ISCEP group shirt.. He drop us at the town.. Then, as we wanna find cheaper, we moved on to CP.. We walked on long way during sunny day to CP* So laa hot today..*.. Once we get there, everyone was hungry & we went to MCD for lunch... Dis Una really have a big apetite & i can say she beat all of us when it comes to eating part.. Seriously.. I salute you, owh Una. Lols hahaha. Then, making sure that everyone have digest their food.. We went & find the shop.. Called Qay & we found it * Thanks Qay*.. Alas, the shirt stuff is done.. Hopefully, it would look nice on everyone * I think its nice thou*.. Then, we dunno where to go.. Since its too early to get home, we decided to watch movie.. But before, we made a quick detour to the Kbox area.. Hehe..
See Una & Jude, this time Jude was singing " Fantasia Bulan Madu" by Search.. I dunno why this Jude go & pick this song.. Funny thou..
ThisRalph again ss go n sing Boyzone song.. If i'm not mistaken, its 'As long As You love Me" So laa.. He can't even reach the pitch.. No one can actually.. Sempat again i go &. record.. 'cause of that, when i sing, he took the advantage & record my singing.. I confess la, i really suck in singing.. Me honest this aah.. Haha
Then, after feeling sweaty, 'cause its like damn hot inside the Kbox, we went & watched movie..Its " Don't Mess with The Zohan".. Damn funny!! So hilarious that we non stop laughing from the beginning.. But sadly, we didn't finish watching it 'cause everyone have to get home.. Damn it! Kidding..Huhu but i really have fun, man..
We were tired after a long whole day doing stuff but no regrets.. We definitely have fun.. * Ok, no me, right.. I'm the one taking pic.. Wanna kandid but that but everyone was ready dis.. * Hahahaha
Me & Una went home together.. * Sigh Una, we going to school already tomorrow..
That was it.. I ended up not really focusing during tuition 'cause i was exhausted.. Or said " Why did you even show up at tuition la?" Relax la, if not, later you wouldn't have fun without me in tuition.. Izak would feel the same.. Crap la you Ann.. Keep saying Izak gay.. He's like smiling even broader & saying " No la, i handsome baa" Haha.. Conclusion of the day, i really have fun.. Although it's tiring, really no regret not going to school today.. Maybe a little bit la.. Pity Satmit.. Especially me & Una last minute tell her for not coming today.. Thanks Sat for replacing my duty.. Ok, i need my sleep now.. Wanna have a really good rest before i face the school tomorrow. xx, A..
P.s Please Ralph.. I beg u not to expose my singing record.. I have yours & you have mind.. I really suck, man in singing.. Can't wait to go ISCEP practice this weekends.. Hope everyone comfirm going to Korea.. Think about the fun that we'll have, guys..
Posted by Ann Manson at Monday, September 08, 2008 0 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Optism is what i need.. Lols.. Crap, crap..!
Alas, a free short period of time for me to write something here.. Yes, yes.. Just got back from the ISCEP practice just now.. After for like 2 weeks of no practice, we started to have our practices back for every weekend & i really, really felt glad that i met all of them.. They seem to be in good health & happy-go- lucky mood.. The practice was really fun, everyone was joking around & even our dance steps was done.. We just have to polish it & make it smooth.. Even myself too has improve a lot * Yeah, i know, i know.. WTH kan ann dance?? Yeah its something new for me to try out kan.. Its not really dat bad after all ok. Lols* I really laugh a lot 'cause of all the jokes we had.. A good therapy for me after those deppresing days in school.. Me also bingung2 dis during our MTA dance 'cause of Jude joking around.. With Issaac, Ralph & Colyn adding to it, i really can't stop myself from laughing* not la with that crazy laugh until rolling on the floor, haha sasat* HAAHAHAHAHAHa, ok enough about that.. I have to get back to myself..
Anyway, read the title i have up there.. I think i really need that..* Although yeah i kinda think i always crap* But seriously, i wanna stop hesitating about life.. Remenber * I won't hesitate no more, no more......* By Jason Mraz in his song I'm Yours.. I love that song, man.. People may get bored listening to it but not me.. I dunno.. Especially when you watch the video, it was really about people having fun & so on.. A really positive perspective.. How i wish i got those times now.. Here's something that i ponder few mins ago..
Reasons why i have to be Grateful in Life:
1) I'm still able to eat 3 times a day & walk freely to anyway like go school & so on..
I'm not one of those people that live in poor countries that stucked in war where its hard for people to get food & even some of them have to run from cruel, mean peoples to live.. You see, just comparing myself to them makes me realise how i really should be grateful with what i have..
2) I have a nice life..
I am not having those wealthy, luxourius life like some people i know BUT i actually like my life now.. Its just an average life where i go through hardships & enjoyments that normals humans do..
3) Mum & Dad let me go Korea for ISCEP..
Yeah this is something wow that i know, i'm feeling guilty * ok, this is a lie* of me being stuborn & all.. They let me go & buy me stuff * like the Nike bag i jus got*.. Hmm
4) I have an annoying brother.
Yeahh, he's so freakin annoying until at one stage i really cannot bear myself with him.. But then, if he's not in my life, i think it would be dull & i am like the only child in family.. * No offense yeah*
5) I have my own capabilities in life..
Everyone have their own talent & that includes me.. See, i can do sports, do well in it. I can really talk in public without hving low self-confidence & so on.. Saying this, dat doesn't mean i don't have my ups & downs in life.. I do have it ok, but you know its normal.. Everyone learn from failures..
6) I still manage to have my own success in life..
Even if it's only a simple thing, no big deal for people, for me, if i'm able to improve myself from one stage to another, even over a small stuff, I'm already happy.. Seriously.. Like me doing well in big exams before, although a lot of people looked down on me, i proved to them that i can do it.. I learn not to underestimate people & that include myself..
7) I have family, friends & house to live..
Yes i hve so many things that i considered myself lucky.. I have Mum, Dad, Eric, my cuzzys, my so-many-friends*Althou not all my friends can be trusted, but still they are the one who spice up my life..* & I have my own home sweet home..
8) God always there at my side to help me.
Believe it or not, i have always believe that God always there with me during my good times & bad times. Someone told me, " God answer prayer in 3 ways. He says Yes & gives you what you want , He says No & gives you something better or He says Wait and gives the Best."
9) I am myself.. Ann A. Manson
'Cause if i'm not myself, then i wouldn't be me.. :)
So, people.. Take some time to relax & think about it.. Why hesitate when everyone experience all those different but yet same thing that you face in life? Tears, joy, glory, deppresion & so on.. Well, i know i'm not the right person to actually advice people about this.. But this is just partly my opinion about all this.. What i know, I myself decided to less hesitate, be myself & just try to be a better person each day by learning from the mistakes that i do from the yesterdays.. Like, i wanna try stop whining when mum lectured me about stuff.. It is hard but for me, its worth a try.. I'll tell you if i succed to do it when i have free time to write in here, ok.. After all, there is so many things happening this month.. It will definitely hard for me to really sit & write my blog..
Hoping that i don't crap, cause i might be, A. ;)
Posted by Ann Manson at Sunday, September 07, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
After for so long..
Hey, what's up, people?? it's been quite a long time since i really update my blog.. I've been quite busy with stuff actually.. Well, well, well.. its September already.. How fast time flies isn't it?? I'm still not getting the school spirit thou.. Hate it when people said " Semangat owh ann, u go school kan?" Just because i'm 'someone' in school, doesn't mean i'm really gonna get myself tied up, if you know what i mean.. I'm still trying to gain up courage to wake up early each morning every single freakin day.. For me, its hard, very hard.. Its always " 5 more mins" & after 5 mins, Then i'll be like " ok la, just 5 more mins".. lols, i really have to change that attitude * like la i can kan* Anyway. as it's almost end of school season, there are a lot of things going on this month.. Let see..
20th Sept '08 - SFC Interact Installation Nite ' 08/09
Theme : Red Carpet Flame
Place : Magellan, Sutera Harbour
22nd Sept- 25th Sept '08 - Final Exam ( Form 4)
* Then Raya Holiday for 1 week, will resume on the of 6th of Oct*
26th Sept '08 - St Francis Day
Well that's about it this month.. Owh yeah, exam is this month. YES, THIS MONTH!! & its like right after Interact Installation Nite.. Damn, the school is really trying to make the student's life miserable.. Thinking about it kan, i don't see the point of me taking exam anyway.. Well, 'cause
i'm not gonna sit for exam on the week after Raya kan * 'cause i will be in Korea for ISCEP, yeaaahhhh* , so like i will not even have position in class anyway for the exam result.. Damn, damn, damn!!! So now i have to start study for exam paper that i'm taking since i'm not gonna skip exam entirely.. UUUhhh, i hate it owh.. I can't even think of going out & hang out also since every weekend we have the ISCEP practice.. Ok, let's not talk about this.. Everyone gonna face it also kan.. huhu
So, i realise i 'm not really with my phone like i used to.. It didn't bother me that much when i don't have cdit & i even just leave it inside my bedroom. That's a good change i think.. Seriously.. At least i can focus in other thing things other than txting all the time.. Proud of myself..hehe.. Anyway, i'm better off now since i still got school again tomorrow.. zzzz, A.
Posted by Ann Manson at Thursday, September 04, 2008 0 comments